What is an NFR?
NFR stands for "Not For Resale", which is a way to classify a product used for testing and educational purposes. In many cases there is no difference between an NFR product and an official copy. In a few cases there could be some restrictions, like not being able to Upgrade the product down the road.
How do I start earning NFRs?
There is an approval process that includes filling out an enrollment form to become a member and take the tests. Some people navigate the Club ILIO website and invite people, which is welcomed and good, but it doesn’t mean you’re a member yet. When we notice this, we send along an Club ILIO enrollment form.
Next, you'll start taking tests starting at Level One. Once you anwer all tests correctly you'll choose your NFR and move on to Level Two and repeat the process all the way to VIP level.
Where can I find the levels and tests?
You'll find all Levels under the "Product Professional" tab on Club ILIO's homepage. Each Level's page will lists the tests you need to complete and the NFRs available at that Level.
How do I sign up for TestMoz and take the Product Professional Tests?
You do not have to sign up for TestMoz. When you click on the test’s link you will be asked for your Club ILIO username. As long as you have been approved for Club ILIO your Club ILIO username will allow you to take the Level 1 Tests.
I completed a level of the Product Professional tests. How do I get access to the next level of the Product Professional test?
Simply send an email to
clubilio@ilio.com and let us know you’re ready for the next level of testing. So long as you have scored 100% on all tests of the previous level, you will be granted access to the next level of testing.
I’ve completed a testing level, how do I select my NFR?
Simply email
clubilio@ilio.com with your choice of NFR for that level. Keep in mind that only NFRs available at that level will be awarded. You can find the eligible NFRs on the product level's page.
I wanted to check on my NFR status, whom do I contact?
Delivering NFRs can take some time, so we do ask for your patience. We have a strict approval process that includes verifying your employment, reviewing test answers, etc. If you do need to check on the status, please email us at
I have a really good technique for closing a sale on a product, how do I share that with Club ILIO?
We'd love to hear about it! We encourage you to create a discussion post in our
forum and share it with the community.
I’m having an issue downloading/installing my NFR, whom do I contact?
Can I retake levels to earn additional NFRs?
Yes! We are constantly adding new products, tests, and levels, so if you have completed your VIP over six months ago, you can retake all levels of testing. Please contact us at
clubilio@ilio.com to regain access to the new test.